Terms and Conditions for the Luxreaders Affiliate Program

In addition to the general terms and conditions of the affiliate networks, the following provisions/restrictions apply:



All compensation claims are based solely on valid transactions. Any manipulation of the tracking of views, clicks and transactions is prohibited and will result in exclusion from the affiliate program. Forced clicks are not allowed. Violations will lead to exclusion from the affiliate program.

Brand Usage

The affiliate website should be designed in such a way that there is no risk of confusion with the website https://luxreaders.de/. The use of terms like "Luxreaders" or "luxreaders.com" and typos in URLs, page titles, and meta descriptions is not allowed. The use of the aforementioned terms and typos is also prohibited in paid advertisements and keyword advertising with all providers (e.g., Google, Yahoo, Bing) without explicit approval.

Price Errors

Despite careful price checks, price errors can occur in rare cases. It is not permitted to advertise price errors as part of the affiliate program. We reserve the right to cancel sales generated through the promotion of price errors in the affiliate program.

Terms for Special Partner Models

Post View

Post view tracking is explicitly prohibited. If consent is given, a maximum of one cookie may be generated per view. Invisible ad placements to place a cookie, as well as display in triple banners, are not allowed.

Search Engine Marketing

The placement of ads in search engines or similar platforms with brand-related keywords (brand bidding) is prohibited without the explicit consent of Luxreaders and the affiliate managers of the affiliate program. Specifically, the following keyword bookings are prohibited with providers like Google, Yahoo, or Bing:

  1. Use of brand terms:
    • "Luxreaders"
    • "https://luxreaders.de/" 

Affiliates must book these terms as negative keywords.

  1. Keyword combinations with the terms mentioned in (1) (e.g., "Luxreaders voucher").
  2. Typos of the terms mentioned in (1). The aforementioned brand names may also not be used in ad titles, ad texts, target URLs, or display URLs. Direct linking to the Luxreaders website is not permitted.

Newsletter and Mailing

Cooperation with paid mail providers in the Luxreaders affiliate program might be possible upon request. Each newsletter dispatch requires prior coordination with the Luxreaders affiliate management team.

Cashback Partners

The inclusion of cashback partners in the Luxreaders affiliate program is determined individually by the affiliate management team.

Voucher Sites/Deal Sites/Other Affiliates with Customer Incentives

The inclusion of voucher, deal, and other partners with customer incentives (e.g., price comparisons with voucher categories) in the Luxreaders affiliate program is determined individually by the affiliate management team. Only vouchers provided within the affiliate program may be used. Sales generated from the use of unofficial vouchers (e.g., from customer newsletters) will be canceled. Only vouchers explicitly approved within the network may be used. Repeated use of unauthorized vouchers will lead to exclusion from the affiliate program. The expiry date of the vouchers in the network must be observed.

White-Label Solutions

The inclusion of white-label solutions and similar functions in the Luxreaders affiliate program is determined individually by the affiliate team. The program partner must provide information on the traffic source in each case. Use of white-label solutions without coordination will lead to exclusion from the affiliate program.

Toolbars and Browser Plugins

The use of Luxreaders affiliate links in toolbars, whether affiliate-owned or third-party toolbars that the affiliate cooperates with, must be coordinated with Luxreaders or the affiliate management team before this form of promotion is used. Additionally, any changes to browsers in the form of plugins or software that aim to redirect a user already on the Luxreaders website to an affiliate site or set an affiliate cookie also require prior coordination with the affiliate management team. Examples include overlays that appear over the Luxreaders website and give the impression of being part of the Luxreaders website.

Advertising Materials

Only the advertising materials and product data provided in the network or the deeplink configurator of the respective affiliate network may be used as advertising materials. Affiliates are not permitted to modify or adapt provided text links, banners, and product data without coordination with the affiliate management team and/or Luxreaders. It is not desired to use Luxreaders' advertising materials in advertising environments related to the following topics: gambling, violence, politics, pornography.


The following commissions are currently paid out:

  • Publisher Type: Commission Rate*
    • Standard: 15%
    • Comparison: 15%
    • Cashback & Loyalty: 10%
    • CSS: 10%
    • Shopping & Closed Groups: 15%
    • Content & Influencer: 15% 
    • Voucher 8%
    • Display: 4%

Individually negotiated commission rates are possible but require written approval and coordination with Luxreaders and the affiliate managers of the affiliate program. The account management reserves the right to change the commission model after prior notification via the publisher newsletter.


We are always happy to receive questions and suggestions about the Luxreaders affiliate program.

Johanna Stelter

Affiliate Manager Luxreaders

Projecter GmbH